Equity-Driven Consultant 

Leadership Coach 

Career Strategist




Transformational Coaching for Badass Academics of All Stripes 

Focus Your Future

Have you found yourself in a place where you could use some guidance in figuring out your purpose or potential, don’t mind an enthusiastic cuss word every now and then, and could use another person out there that has your back?

I support clients in getting real about their core values and how they can best be activated to prompt greater professional freedom & fulfillment.

I am a board certified coach (BCC) and I completed my training at the Institute for Life Coach Training (ICLT). With years under my belt as an intersectional inequity scholar, social worker, and educator, I channel all of that curiosity and a honed advocacy tool kit to coach academics at critical junctures in their professions. I specialize in values alignment & career coaching for women-identifying  academics, and I am committed to feminist & anti-racist frameworks.

Coaching is focused on a co-equal relationship in which clients are supported in deepening their self-awareness and designing a more authentic and fulfilling future for themselves. I’m driven to help badass academics clarify their life purpose, and to claim a more free and joyful future. In short, I help motivated people ask the right questions, & identify authentic answers to prompt transformative action in their careers and lives.

If you're not sure you're ready to commit, but want to learn more, sign up below for a free 20-minute discovery call!

 Coaching Packages

 Activation Jumpstart

For the coaching curious! If you're at a fork in the road in your career, and you're feeling something stirring in you that you are feeling called to explore, this package is for you!  Get clarity on what you value, and how to operationalize that in the workplace, along with lots of compassionate &  personalized support!


  • Six 60-minute sessions
  • Meet weekly or bi-monthly (client’s choice!) 
  • Summaries provided after each session
  • Email support in between sessions 

You will walk away from our 1:1 sessions with greater confidence in the choices you’re making, and why/how you are making them.


Fully Activated Academic

For those ready to stir shit up!! Get 100% solid on what you value and get nurturing but firm accountability to move towards greater alignment between what you care about as a human and what that means for who and what you show up as in your career. We will start with initial work on your primary values, and then shift to operationalizing them in real time, as you receive personalized concierge support from me on next steps in your career (e.g., job description reviews, interview tips etc.) 


  • Twelve 60-minute sessions
  • Meet weekly or bi-monthly
  • Summaries provided after each session
  • Email support in between sessions

You will walk away from our 1:1 sessions feeling more empowered knowing what it means to act in accordance with those values, and also make hella progress doing so. 



Sarah has limited availability for 1:1 coaching for academics that are ready to stir some shit up.

Sign up to be the first to know when slots open up in January for the spring!

Are you facing a tight timeline on a short-term decision you could use some urgent guidance in helping to make, such as whether or not to take an industry job offer? Please contact me for more information on "Activate Now" packages, which are customizable and designed to give you the tools and confidence you need especially when time is short!

 **Please note: Discounts/scholarships available on packages for students/precariously employed folks. I also care a lot about those facing financial constraints and accept payment plans as low as $50 per payment on all of my packages.

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Have Questions?Let’s Talk!

Are you stagnating or miserable in your career? Do you want to be more effective at seeking and experiencing joy in your professional life but don't know where to begin? 'm here to help you get started. 

The time is now. The person is you. Take the leap and start living an authentic and fulfilling life that is worthy of all of your badassery.

Contact Us

Sarah Trocchio, MSW, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Sociology & Criminology, an expert in systemic oppression and equity-minded initiatives, and a woman on a mission to support other academics to live more authentically and claim greater freedom in higher ed and beyond.

Learn More About Sarah
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